義務工作人員計劃 * = 必須填寫
1. 個人資料
* 姓名:   * 性別: 男  
* 年齡:   * 能讀語言:
* 電話:   * 電郵:
* 居住地區: 教育程度:
職業:   爬蟲以外的興趣:
自我簡介 /
- 如欲申請「動物管理員」請列明你的經驗、可照顧種類、飼養環境及設備等資料。
- 如欲申請「Graphic / Web Designer」請列明你能運用的軟件。
- 如欲申請「專業技能人員」請列明你的技能如: 攝影(DC/DV)、剪片、寫作、翻譯等。
2. 可工作時間及動物認識
* 可以工作時間:
* 飼養經驗:
有認識/經驗種類: 陸龜   盒龜   水龜/澤龜
壁虎   變色龍   巨蜥/泰加   其他蜥蜴
蟒/蚺   毒蛇   黃頷蛇   其他蛇類
蛙/蟾   蠑螈   節肢類   哺乳類

3. 緊急聯絡資料
緊急聯絡人姓名:   與您關係:
4. 完成
1. 所有工作為自願及義務性質。
2. 工作安排視乎當時空缺及個人能力而定,未必一定與希望參與的項目相同。
3. 十八歲以下的朋友也可申請,但會被列為少年義工,負責協助工作人員,並必須得到家長同意方可參與工作。
4. 您必須先閱讀並同意以下協議才可申請成為義工。

All of us at HKRAS are profoundly thankful and grateful for the vital services contributed by all sincere and enthusiastic helpers in our volunteer team. Our Volunteer Program is an integral part of the Society. If you also share and acknowledge our vision, you are most welcome to join our volunteer team. On behalf of the herps and all animals that you help, thank you for contributing your precious time and energy, and for helping us be an organization of which we can all be truly proud. You need to read and sign the following Applicant's Agreement before you can participate as a standing HKRAS volunteer. If you have any questions about it, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator.


  • I will take ideas, constructive comments, suggestions and criticisms directly to the program leader and agree to be supervised by the program leader.
  • I authorize the Hong Kong Reptile & Amphibian Society to seek emergency medical treatment in case of accident, injury, or illness.
  • If communications problems develop between employees and myself, as a volunteer I will report these to the program leader as soon as possible.
  • The Hong Kong Reptile & Amphibian Society has my permission to use any and all photographs taken of me to promote society services and programs or to publicize any event. I understand that all prints and negatives become sole property of the Hong Kong Reptile & Amphibian Society and may be used without payment or prior notification.
  • I understand any type of the Hong Kong Reptile & Amphibian Society records are to be kept confidential.
  • I understand that because I may handle animals it is important to discuss the animal related vaccinations with my physician.
  • I agree to inform the volunteer coordinator in advance and as soon as possible if I am unable to fulfill the tasks I have been assigned.
  • I understand that if I am injured while acting as an unpaid member of the volunteer staff that I am not covered by Worker's Compensation Law.
  • Under our Worker's Insurance policy, HKRAS volunteers are not classified as "employees" and are therefore ineligible for Worker's Compensation coverage for injuries that might be sustained while volunteering for the HKRAS.






香港爬蟲協會: 義務工作人員計劃 © Copyrigh-2004 Hong Kong Reptile & Amphibian Society. All rights reserve.