Chinese version
General guide to joining our meetings:
  1. Should you have any queries or special needs, please contact us before the meeting.
  2. It would be best to pay fees in advance by bank deposit.
  3. Welcome to bring books, magazines or other related products to share with other members.
  4. Any trading or advertising behaviors are prohibited during the meeting.
  5. If you have taken photos or videos during the meeting, you are welcome to send us so that people who joined and missed the meeting can share our good time.
  6. Although all our past meetings were happy, please take care of your own belongings and pets. We are not responsible for any loss of property.
Reminder for bringing animals:
  1. Reptiles, amphibians and related animals are welcome to our general meetings and events.
  2. For better arrangement, you are recommended to tell us in advance what animals you are going to bring.
  3. Reptiles should be carried in suitable traveling containers, provided heating if necessary.
  4. Do not bring any sick reptiles, as well as any snakes which are in-shed or full up. You better let them have rest at home.
  5. Unless for display only, do not bring any aggressive reptiles.
  6. For the sake of safety and respect, you must have obtained permission from the owners before touching or handling their animals. Follow the instructions given by the owner during the process of handling.
  7. Owners have the liability to take care of their animals and give consideration to the safety of both animals and people.
Be ready and well-prepared before coming to our meetings. Let's have a good time!
Hong Kong Reptile & Amphibian Society (HKRAS)
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